Here we are, the whole Miller clan!

    Aunt Robyn and cousin Ben

    Do these guy's look happy to be in Steamboat?

    Ready for action, let's hit the slopes!

    Are we ready yet?

     What a rough looking bunch, I think they have a plan!

    Ryan and Brady, ready to start Ski school

    Ski school sure is fun, when do we hit the hard stuff?

    Ski lessons, who needs ski lessons?

    Ouch!  Guess I should have learned how to stop!

    Ryan and Alex, this is easy!

    Here we come, flying home!

    Alex and dad, working their way down the slope.

    Ryan working it hard, look at that snowplow!

    Ryan and Brady, cruising together.

    Ryan making the big jump!

    Ready to go!

    Brady, working the turns hard!

    Dad teaching Brady how to ski.

    Brady and dad working the bigger slope!

    OK, time for a breather!

    Brady going over the big jump!

    Alex, Brady and Ben, top of the gondola, in the clouds, ready for the big run.

    Brady half way down the big run.  Took us nearly 45 minutes to get down.

    Alex and Ben at the very top, what a view!

    Clouds covering the valley below.

    Ben working the snowboard.

    Alex taking picture while following Ben!

    Ben, cutting the new powder on the edge.

    Ben, boarding through the clouds!

    Ben, riding the gondola to the top.

Now, what do you do after a loooong day of skiing?  What do you think!

    Relaxing in the hot tub after a long day.

    More hot tub action, sure feels good.....

    Alex, Ben and Brady, chillin' on the couch.

    More snuglin'

    Ben catching up on some tunes and searching for a house so they can move up to Steamboat!

    Now that's what I call relaxing!  Cousin Ben sure makes a good foot rest.

    Jana working the magic on Ben's aching back.

    Brady doing his part to help out!

    Nothing like an intense game of barrel-o-monkeys to end the day.

    Brady playing hackysack.

    Ryan looking very COOL!

    Cool and relaxed!  At last I can put my feet up!

    Kids after a long day on the slopes.

    Aunt Robyn in the condo.

    Ryan grabbing a snack.

    Didn't get our own snowman made, so let's borrow this one for a quick picture!

    Brady looking spiffy in his new steamboat hat.

    Poor Alex, can't even escape homework on a vacation!

Here are a few other pictures from trip home, all from photographer Ryan!

    Elk along the road driving out of Steamboat.  Can you spot it?

    Alex and Ryan on the plane ride home.

    Ryan's cloud picture from the plane.

    Ryan's ground picture from the plane.



Well, that's all for now, hope you enjoyed them!